Saturday 26 November 2011

Potential Ideas for Horror Movie

Once we were put into our groups of three, we then had to brainstorm different ideas that could be used for our horror movie, through which we could then base our trailer on. My group and I began to list possible ideas and features that could be included in our movie, so that we could then create our final narrative. It was essential to bare in mind the reasons why individuals decide to watch a horror movie, whether it be at the cinema or even at home, as these reasons will then be adapted in our trailer, conveying the key conventions of a horror movie.


  • Supernatural - human being possessed 
  • A sense of possession - causes paranoia 
  • Being possessed by the devil
  • Link to Ed Gein 
  • Suspense of characters
  • Teenager - classic overprotective mother
  • Open events - occurring everywhere
  • Something happens when gazing upon the killer
  • Non conclusive - mysterious ending
  • Music - gradually build music whilst narrative continues
  • Based on a real life event
  • Domestic setting
  • Religious connotations
  • Psychopath - schizophrenic protagonist 
  • Protagonist has powers - passes it onto others
My group and I combined all the results from our horror movie questionnaire's that we created, and took the overall outcome into consideration, which also helped us brainstorm more ideas, as listed above. Also, we compared results and then highlighted the main similarities we all found from our individual questionnaires and decided that these aspects will be our main focus in order to target our audience.

  • Targeting at 15 - 25 year olds
  • Focus more on storyline - limited use of blood and gore
  • Include shocking and jumpy suspense
  • Suspense music
  • Fast shots and editing
  • Flashbacks
We decided to focus on the 'Final Girl Theory,' as this then links to a monstrous feminine.