Wednesday 2 November 2011

Audience Theory

'The media are responsible for a range of social problems'

The quote above is rather effective, as it reveals a lot about what is being said about the media in todays society. There are different methods in which the media affects audience subconsciously; therefore, it is agreeable to say that individuals have been affected by what they see via media texts, such as movies, TV programmes etc.
We researched the different effects models in relation to media audience theory. The methods we came across are listed below:

- Hypodermic Syringe Theory
- Desensitisation
- Cultivation Theory
- Copycat Theory
- Uses and Gratifications
- Reception Theory.

One of the most popular theories is the 'Hypodermic Syringe Theory.' When researching this theory, I came across many facts which made my understanding of this specific theory, clearer. This is what I found out:

- The 'Hypodermic Syringe Theory' is a model of communication, making sure that a message is received.
- It wasn't based on experimental results derived from research. It was a response to the German fascists, and then it later applied to the American society.
- The concept of the theory is that the media were injected into the thoughts of the audience, who accepted the attitudes, opinions and beliefs expressed by others, without questioning them.
- This theory can work; however, it may not be as effective as the media would like it to be, as people can be affected in different ways by the media, such as films, advertising, newspapers, television etc. Therefore, this can have a negative effect on the audience.