Friday 25 November 2011

Horror Movie Questionnaire - The Results

I kept the survey for my questionnaire open for roughly around two weeks, giving people enough time to fill it out, as I was regularly advertising it as mentioned in my previous post. I then closed the survey in order to analyse the overall results that were collected from those who filled it out. As well as using, I decided to transfer the data into Excel, as I could create pie charts for each question, making it easier for myself to understand the final results.

1) What gender are you? 

I chose to have this as the first question to my survey, as it starts off by giving me some information about the person who is filling it out. Furthermore, its helpful for me as I am able to see which type of gender is more likely to watch horror movies, and looking at the results, it turns out that its actually females. This then automatically links with the other results from all the other questions. 

2) How old are you?

This is also similar to the first question as it gives me an insight to how old the person is, once again linking in with the other results. Also, I thought this would be an appropriate question to include as I will then be able to decide on the age rating for my horror movie. It turns out that its usually 16 - 20 year olds who watch horror movies regularly, so therefore, this will be my target audience. However, I will also take into consideration all the other ages present as well, as I don't want to have some sort of restriction towards the viewers. 

3) How often do you watch a horror movie?

Again, I inserted this question as it allows me to find out more about my target audience. Horror movies are being released frequently nowadays, meaning that theres a variety of different horror movies to watch in the cinema, as well as on DVD. Therefore, the answers to this question allows me to understand if people frequently watch horror movies, or whether they watch one once in a while, and by looking at the results, it appears that its somewhat in between, as majority of the people tend to watch it every two months. 

4) How do horror movies make you feel?

Different horror movies have different aims when it comes to giving the audience a sense of emotion. Some want to terrify the audience, whereas others may have different agendas. However, it is possible that a person encounters numerous feelings when watching a horror movie. With this question, I allowed my target audience to answer more than one emotion, due to the fact that there could simply be more than one, as well as having the chance to write down their own answers, which gives me a larger range of answers, so that I know what I would want my audience to feel when watching my trailer. By looking at the results, it seems to be that people get some sort of excitement while watching a horror movie. Furthermore, 4 people wrote down their own answers, which mainly consisted of 'amused,' meaning that they find a sense of humour within the movie. 

5) Who do you like to watch a horror movie with?

Some people have different preferences when it comes to who to watch a horror film with, which is something that I personally find interesting, as it immediately gives an idea of what the person is like. For example, if they are able to watch an entire horror movie by themselves, then its most likely that they aren't the type to get afraid. Therefore, I simply chose this question to once again, find out more about my target audience. However, a large number of people said they they like to watch a horror movie with their friends, possibly a group of friends, which then makes it more exciting and scary for all of them. Therefore, I will ensure that my trailer appeals to groups of friends, making sure that its something that they would want to watch together.

6) What kinds of settings frighten you the most in a horror movie?

This question was included to help me with ideas of locations to use in my actual trailer. I listed down the settings which you will usually find in a horror movie, such as a domestic setting, to see whether this appeals to my target audience, and if they get frightened by it. By looking at the results, it seems as if they do get scared when a domestic setting is included in a horror movie; therefore I will take this into account by showing this location within my trailer.

7) Does a horror movie appeal to you more when it's based on a real life event?

There are some horror movies that are based on a real life event, which frightens individuals more, as it personally does for me. This is why I decided to include this question to see whether this type of movie would appeal to my target audience more, or whether it doesn't really have an overall affect on them, which was the case for majority of the people who took part in the survey. When it comes to creating my trailer, I will discuss this aspect with the rest of my group and see whether we should base our trailer on a real life event or not. 

8) Do gruesome aspects within a horror movie frighten you? (E.g. blood, gore, weapons etc)

Not everyone gets frightened by blood and gore etc within horror movies, which is what this question proves. Therefore, I will keep these aspects limited in my trailer, due to the fact that it doesn't appeal to everyone. 

9) What do you expect to see in a horror movie trailer?

When it comes to watching a horror movie trailer, people have various ideas on what they want to see in the trailer, which is why I thought it was necessary to have this question on the survey. With this question, I didn't write down any specific options for the audience to choose fro, but instead, I allowed them to write down any feedback they wanted to give in relation to this specific question. I narrowed down the most common answers and included this in the pie chart above. All of the answers that were given are typical features which are present in a horror movie, which is something I will take into account when it comes to creating my trailer.

10) When watching a horror movie trailer, do you prefer to discover the whole storyline?

People do not always want to find out the whole storyline when watching a trailer, which is why I thought it would be important to ask this question, as I wouldn't want to give away too much information, as it then wouldn't exactly appeal to my target audience. Consequently, it turns out that most people do not like to know the complete storyline; therefore, I will make sure not to reveal too much within the trailer, but instead, have a sufficient amount which will make them want to watch it.

I will take all the answers that I received very seriously when it comes to the final creation of my horror movie trailer, as the feedback given is vital for me to follow in order for the trailer to be successful, and for it to have the conventions of a horror movie