Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Copycat Theory

In relation to my previous post, my media class had to pair up and focus on one theory in particular, and create a presentation which we could then feedback to the rest of the class. My partner and I were given 'The Copycat Theory,' which I was excited about, as the name itself sounds interesting. The presentation we created is shown below.

The copycat Theory
View more presentations from Rosheen-29

My peers had to research on different theories, so that we could all have an insight and understanding to other theories, as well as our own. Whilst watching their presentations, I did learn more about the variety of audience theories, which made me realise more how the audience are affected in relation to the media.

- Cultivation Theory - Concerned with the effects of television programming on the attitudes and behaviour of American public - findings suggest that those that watch more television (heavy viewers), perceive the real world as it is portrayed on the television. (The mean world syndrome)

- The Copycat Theory - (E.g. Simon says) It relates to how something is publicised in the media, and findings suggest that the public naturally copy what they see, to gain the qualities etc, of those that appear on screen, such as copycat murders etc.

- The Hypodermic Syringe Model - The audience passively receive information transmitted via a media text, without any attempt on their part to process or challenge data etc.

- Desensitisation Theory - The overexpose to violent behaviour on screen makes the audience immune to this, and thus, harder to shock. As a result, the effects are generally more widely spread.