Thursday 13 October 2011

Horror Movies - Similarities & Differences

Many horror movies do consist of the same conventions; however, they are interpreted in different ways, which makes the audience interested in the movie. Therefore, I chose 3 horror movies that I have recently watched, and highlighted the key similarities and differences between them. The movies I chose to analyse are: The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Paranormal Activity and Orphan.

- One similarity between each of these movies is that each one consists of a some sort.
- Characters are portrayed in similar ways. For example, the killer will usually have an iconic weapon, which they use, such as a knife, which is shown frequently in 'Emily Rose' and 'Orphan.'
- The protagonists usually have some sort of link with the killer, mainly from the past, which is the case in 'Paranormal Activity.' This aspect makes the movie much more exciting, as the audience wonders how this past relation was formed in the first place.
- The usage of sound and music is vital, as movies from the horror genre share similar techniques. Also, they tend to include silence a lot too, which is implemented in 'Paranormal Activity,' as theres no non-diegetic music involved.
- Music is also used during important scenes, as this indicates that something major is about to occur. At this point, the music is usually fast and upbeat, which creates tension.
- Horror movies tend to focus on a selective number of locations, mostly which are isolated. The most common one would be someones house, which doesn't exactly look ordinary from the outside or inside. This is shown regularly in 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Orphan.' In 'Paranormal Activity,' the whole movie is shot inside a house, which shows how congested they are, indicating the fact that theres no escape from the killer.
- Camera angles and editing are also essential in horror movies. The main similarity between these 3 movies when it comes to camera work is that they tend to zoom into the characters facial expressions, certain objects or settings, enabling the audience to see things much clearer, illustrating its importance.
- When action is involved, the pace of the camera quickens, building on the tension of the scene. Furthermore, cuts are used within difference scenes, or even the same ones, but showing it in different angles.

- When it comes to the killers of these 3 movies, the difference is that the killer of 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Emily Rose' are male, whereas in 'Orphan,' its a female child. This also shows that the age of the killer varies too, as well as the gender.
- 'Paranormal Activity' is a movie which is handheld, as it makes it seem more realistic and effective. 'Emily Rose' and 'Orphan' aren't portrayed in the same manor; however, some scenes may have been handheld for the same reasons, emphasising on the overall effect.
- The killers don't always have to be physically presented on screen, which is what happens in 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Emily Rose.'