Thursday 13 October 2011

First Post :)

Welcome to my blog, which has been created for my Media Studies A level coursework. For this particular course, my group and I have to create a horror trailer as well as a magazine cover and a poster, in relation to the movie.
In class, we have been looking at different conventions which are used within a horror movie, and why certain things are included and what sort of impact they have on the audience. We have also been looking at various clips from several horror movies, all the way from the 60's to the latest ones. Below are some of the movies we've looked at:

• Nosferatu (1922)
• Dracula (1931)
• Psycho (1960)
• Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
• Carrie (1976)
• Faculty (1998)
• Let The Right One In (2008)
• Case 39 (2009)