Monday 12 December 2011

Classifications and Conventions of Trailers

In class, we researched the conventions of trailers, and explored the BBFC to find out more about who they are and what they do.

BBFC: British Board of Film Classification

The BBFC is an independent, self-financing media content regulator. They operate transparent, consistent and trusted co-regulatory and self-regulatory classification, as well as labelling systems in the UK.

Their aim is to:

- Protect he public, especially children, from content which may have the possibility of raising risks
- Empower the public, especially parents, in order to make informed viewing choices
- Recognise and respect adult freedom of choice within the law
- Respond to and reflect changing social attitudes towards media content through proactive public consultation and research
- Provide a cost-effective, efficient classification service within our statutory remit
- Work in partnership with the industry to develop innovative service models to provide content advise which support emerging media delivery systems

After researching this, my group and I decided that we will target the audience of 18+