Tuesday 3 January 2012

Analysis of Film Posters and Magazine Covers

Horror Movie Trailers

Media Deep Learning Day

We recentlty had a deep learning day, which was for media. This day was partly dedicated to the practical side of our coursework. However, we did start on our storyboard which connotes the scenes which will be included within the trailer. We then had the opportunity to create a short parody video based on a horror movie, or to start filming scenes from our trailer. After creating the storyboard, we scanned the pictures onto the computer.

Short Horror Film

Wet then went out to do some practice filming for our actual trailer, as this gave us an understanding of how to use the equipment.

Monday 2 January 2012


We recently created our storyboard for the trailer which illustrates the different scenes that will be present, while also explaining the camera angle, the type of edit, whether there will be sound present, and if so, would it be diegetic or non diegetic, alongside a brief description of the scene. My group and I split the tasks amongst ourselves to make it easier and also in order to get it done quicker. This was definitely a hard task to do as it involved a lot of detail and thought, but it was very useful as it made the trailer seem more realistic, and it also bought us together as a group.


Shooting Schedule

In order to be organised when it comes to filming for our trailer, my group and I discussed the timings of the week in which we are all free. This was particularly difficult as our lessons during school clashed, as well as some of the timings outside of school. However, we solved the problems which then allowed us to create our final shooting schedule, were at least two members from the team will be present.

I found this rather helpful, as by forming this schedule before actually doing any filming, we know what props we will need beforehand and the locations of where we will be shooting for each scene. Majority of the shooting will be done after school as most of the shots are during the evening.